presented by Beta Film
“Agent Hamilton” is a spy thriller series based on the bestselling “Hamilton” novels by Jan Guillou starring a top-notch international cast. Former Swedish intelligence officer Carl Hamilton, trained by U.S. Navy Seals to become part of an illegal black-ops cell within the Swedish military, is caught up in a murder investigation seemingly linked to public cyberattacks and soon finds himself in a life-threatening mission against a corporate private security firm.
Format: 10x45 min
Starring: Jakob Oftebro, Nina Zanjani, Krister Henriksson, Katia Winter, Jörgen Thorsson, Rowena King, Anna Sise
Directed by: Erik Leijonborg, Lisa Farzaneh, Per Hanefjord
Produced by: Dramacorp Pampas Studios and Kärnfilm in co-production with TV4, C-More, Beta Film and ZDF in association with ZDF Enterprises and with the support of Creative Europe - MEDIA Programme of the European Union